1. Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie (Otto-Hahn-Institut), Mainz und Eduard-Zintl-Institut der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt
The results of measurements at three temperatures on gases in the whole concentration range from pure o-D2 to pure p-D2 are presented in the form (γp the molar fraction of p-D2)
X/X (rp=0) = 1 - ki yp-.k2 yp2,
with ^ = 2 . 1 7 , 2.43, 2.97 - l O " 3 and A:2=2.37, 2.27, 2.24 - l O " 3 for 7 = 18.4, 19.6, 21.0 K respectively. From these coefficients, and making use of the Eucken relation, the ratios of the collision cross sections have been estimated to be
Ωpp/Ωoo = 1 + (4.37 ± 0.05) • 10-3,
Ωop/Ωoo = 1 + (1-05 ± 0.05) • 1O-3.
A temperature dependence of these ratios was not detected
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy,Mathematical Physics
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2 articles.