Evaluation of Some Parameters of Hard Surfacing Treatment of the Functional Surfaces of Forestry Tools


Ťavodová Miroslava1,Kalincová Daniela1,Slováková Ivana2


1. Technical University in Zvolen Faculty of Environmental and Manufacturing Technology Študentská 26, Zvolen , Slovak Republic

2. Technical University in Zvolen Institute of Foreign Languages T.G. Masaryka 24, Zvolen , Slovak Republic


Abstract In this paper we discuss the possibility of increasing service life of tools used in forestry for mulching of undesirable forest growths. In a heterogeneous working environment in which they are operated, such tools are subjected to constant abrasion and impact loading. There are several ways how to extend their service life and operational fitness. One of these is hard surface treatment, or hard surfacing of their functional surfaces. In our experiment, we chose suitable hard surfacing materials and applied these on the sample materials using the MMA and MAG welding. The hard surface was applied in an one layer. Subsequently, we performed hardness tests, microscopic analysis of the structure of the basic material and the hard surface and evaluation of the fusion penetration of the base material with the hard surfacing weld. Fusion is crucial as it determines the cohesiveness of the weld and base materials and thus also the actual extension of the service life of the tools.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Management of Technology and Innovation,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Management Information Systems

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