Religion and language preservation: the case of Sora


Krylova Anastasia1,Renkovskaya Evgeniya12


1. Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow , Russia

2. Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow , Russia


Abstract The article, based on field data collected by the authors, analyzes the modern sociolinguistic situation of the Sora language (South Munda languages, Odisha, India) in various religious communities. The religious communities such as Baptists, Catholics, Vishwa-Hindus, Animists, Mattar Banom and Alekh are analyzed. The data on the use of various languages in the religious practices of these communities is considered, accompanied by rich illustrative material. According to the findings of the authors, the preservation of Sora is most successful in the Baptist and Mattar Banom communities.


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