Hierarchical and accusative alignment of Verbal Person Marking in Trans-Himalayan


DeLancey Scott1


1. Department of Linguistics , University of Oregon 1290 , Eugene , OR 97405–1290 , USA


Abstract Verbal Person Marking is a neglected feature of Trans-Himalayan (Sino-Tibetan) languages. TH systems are of great typological interest, showing both canonical versions and unusual variations of both hierarchical and accusative alignment. The predominant and ancestral pattern is hierarchical, but we also see innovative accusative patterns. Canonical hierarchical and accusative systems do occur, but a majority of VPM systems of both alignments show variations on the basic patterns. Hierarchical systems sometimes develop means to index both participants in a transitive configuration rather than only the higher. Accusative systems frequently develop secondary O indexation for SAP arguments, and sometimes move further in the direction of hierarchical patterning. Thus Trans-Himalayan offers a wealth of examples of VPM systems, which deserve greater attention from the field of typology.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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