1. Facultad de Medicina , Center for Research on Health in Latin America, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador , Quito , Ecuador
2. Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care , Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp , Wilrijk , Belgium
3. Family Practice Resident, Facultad de Medicina , Hospital Vozandes Quito, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador , Quito , Ecuador
4. Family Practice Resident, Facultad de Medicina , Hospital Un Canto a la Vida, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador , Quito , Ecuador
5. Family Practice Resident , University of Minnesota – North Memorial , Minneapolis , MN , USA
6. Department of Primary Care , Office of Rural and Underserved Programs, Diabetes Institute, Infectious and Tropical Disease Institute, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University , Athens , OH , USA
7. Department of Biomedical Sciences , Infectious and Tropical Disease Institute, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University , Athens , OH , USA
8. Center for Research on Health in Latin America, School of Biological Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador , Quito , Ecuador
9. Touro University California , Vallejo , CA , USA