1. “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi , Romania
This exploratory study aims to identify the factors that prevent companies to find suitable candidates for private fellowships and internships: what students believe to be the causes, how would they explain these and which stakeholders should be involved to eliminate them. Data collection based on a sample of 18 engineering students that attended a company presentation inviting applications for private fellowship and student practice. Opinions were expressed in writing prior to structured interviews and group discussions. Limitations to this study are the relatively small sample size (n =18) and reliance on self-report measures. Information related causes were perceived by the students to lead their decisions, followed by lack of self-confidence of successful application for the grant. Respondents were classified in „Doers”, „Wishers “and „Lagers”. Universities must reinvent themselves in order to provide students with better knowledge and confidence on the job market, measured through a larger number of doers, which could become role models for wishers. Such process may generate a “critical mass” or tipping point in the transformation of a significant number of “wishers and lagers”. Whilst some of the students’ opinions are subjective, cooperation between universities and companies must continue to improve in order to enhance learning and better prepare students for their future careers.