1. Bencao, Gangmu 本草綱目, compiled by Li Shizhen 李時珍 (1518–1593). Contemporary edition: Compendium of Materia Medica: Bencao Gangmu (2003): Edited by Luo, Xiwen. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
2. Chunqiu, fanlu 春秋繁露. Attributed to Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 (active 2nd c. BCE). Contemporary edition: Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn. Translated and edited by Sarah A. Queen and John S. Major (2016). New York: Columbia University Press.
3. Chunqiu, Zuozhuan Zhengyi 春秋左傳正義 (Correct Meanings of the Zuo Tradition of the Annals). Annotated by Du Yu 杜預 (222–285) and Kong Yingda 孔穎達 (574–648). In: Shisanjing zhushu 十三經注疏. Edited by Ma, Xinmin 馬辛民 (2000). Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe. Translated edition: Durrant, Stephen, et al. (2016): Zuo Tradition/Zuozhuan: Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
4. Da, Dai Liji = Wang Wenjin 王文錦 (ed.) (1983): Da Dai liji jiegu 大戴禮記解詁 (Explanatory Notes for Dai De’s version of the Recordings on Etiquette). Attributed to Dai De 戴德 (active 48–33 BCE). Annotated by Wang, Pinzhen 王聘珍 (active 18th century). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.
5. Erya = Ma Xinmin 馬辛民 et al. (eds.) (2000): Erya zhushu 爾雅注疏 (Commentary and sub-commentary of Approaching Elegance). Annotated by Guo Pu 郭璞 (276–324) and Xing Bing 邢昺 (931–1010). Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe.