Unfertige Studien 3: Die Nihāyat al-marām des Ḍiyāʾaddīn ar-Rāzī


van Ess Josef1


1. Liegnitzer Straße 11, 72072 Tübingen , Germany


Abstract This article contains a summary of an Islamic theological text written in the middle of the 6. century H. / 12. century AD. The author lived in Iran, in the city of Rayy; he was the father of Fakhr al-din al-Razi (d. 606 H. / 1210 H.), who was the protagonist of the „Avicennian turn“ in Islamic theology. The text was a kind of manual for teaching an advanced course at a madrasa; but only the second half of it is preserved. After the summary an attempt is made at pointing out the peculiarities of the author’s approach, with regard to its historical as well as educational and social context.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

Reference121 articles.

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