General Properties for an Agrawal Thermal Engine


Paéz-Hernández Ricardo T.1,Chimal-Eguía Juan Carlos2,Sánchez-Salas Norma3,Ladino-Luna Delfino1


1. Área de Física de Procesos Irreversibles , Departamento de Ciencias Básicas , Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, U-Azcapotzalco , Av. San Pablo 180 , Col. Reynosa , CP 02200 , Ciudad de México , México

2. Laboratorio de Simulación y Modelado , Centro de Investigación en Computación , Instituto Politécnico Nacional , Av. Juan de Dios Batiz s/n U.P. Zacatenco , CP 07738 , Ciudad de México , México

3. Departamento de Física , Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas , Instituto Politécnico Nacional , U.P. Zacatenco , C.P. 07738 , Ciudad de México , México


Abstract This paper presents a general property of endoreversible thermal engines known as the Semisum property previously studied in a finite-time thermodynamics context for a Curzon–Ahlborn (CA) engine but now extended to a simplified version of the CA engine studied by Agrawal in 2009 (A simplified version of the Curzon–Ahlborn engine, European Journal of Physics 30 (2009), 1173). By building the Ecological function, proposed by Angulo-Brown (An ecological optimization criterion for finite-time heat engines, Journal of Applied Physics 69 (1991), 7465–7469) in 1991, and considering two heat transfer laws an analytical expression is obtained for efficiency and power output which depends only on the heat reservoirs’ temperature. When comparing the existing efficiency values of real power plants and the theoretical efficiencies obtained in this work, it is observed that the Semisum property is satisfied. Moreover, for the Newton and the Dulong–Petit heat transfer laws the existence of the g function is demonstrated and we confirm that in a Carnot-type thermal engine there is a general property independent of the heat transfer law used between the thermal reservoirs and the working substance.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Physics and Astronomy,General Chemistry

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