1. Laboratory of Social Psychology (EA 4471), Institute of Psychology, University of Paris , Paris , France
2. Research Center for Semiotics, CeReS (EA 3648), Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (FLSH), University of Limoges , Limoges , France
3. Department of Mass Communication and Media Studies, School of Information and Communicative Studies, Central University of Punjab, VPO-Ghudda , Bathinda , India
4. CNRS UMR 7252, Research Institute Xlim, University of Limoges , Limoges , France
5. Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (FLSH), Research Center for Semiotics, CeReS (EA 3648), University of Limoges , Limoges , France
6. Department of Legal, Economic and Management Sciences, Research Center for Business Administration (CEREGE), University of Poitiers , Poitiers , France
7. INSERM UMR 1092, RESINFIT CHU de Limoges, Antimicrobials: Molecular Supports of Resistance and Therapeutic Innovations, University of Limoges , Limoges , France