1. Vibration Analysis of Collecting Electrodes by means of the Hybrid Finite Element Method Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume Article ID pages;Adamiec,2014
2. The Rigid Finite Element Method in modelling vibrations of electrostatic precipitators ( in Polish Metoda sztywnych element?w skonczonych w modelowaniu drgan elektrofiltr?w inzynierskie;Adamiec,2012
3. Vibration Analysis of Collecting Electrodes by means of the Hybrid Finite Element Method Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume Article ID pages;Adamiec,2014
4. Modelling and measurements of vibrations of collecting electrodes of dry electrostatic precipitators in Polish Modelowanie i pomiary drgan elektrod osadczych elektrofiltr?w suchych;Nowak,2011
5. Comparison of methods for modelling vibrations of collecting electrodes in dry electrostatic precipitators Archive of Mechanical Volume Issue ISSN Print;Adamiec;Engineering