Die Beeinflussung des Flügelmusters vom Tagpfauenauge, Inachis io L. (Nymphalidae-Lepidoptera), durch physikalische Faktoren und seine radioaktive Markierbarkeit / The Influence of the Wing-pattern of the Peacock Butterfly, Inachis io L. (Nymphalidae-Lepidoptera), by Physical Factors and its Ability to be Radioactively Marked
Hamm Rainer1,
Lüdicke Manfred1
1. Zoologisches Institut der Ruprecht-Karl-Universität Heidelberg
The different radioautographic patterns were observed on the upper surface of fore wings of Inachis io L. when 35S-sodium sulfate, 3H-tryptophane and 14C-hydrolysed protein were orally applied or injected to the larvae or pupae of the butterfly.
35S-sodium sulfate and 3H-tryptophane were found in ommochrome containing scale areas, whereas 14C-hydrolysed protein could be detected only in melanine containing scale areas by radioautographic methods. These results prove that the 35S-sodium sulfate can be utilized in the synthesis of ommatin D as ester of sulfuric acid.
By means of particular UV-radiation the colour and form of wings were changed. This change is either due to the interruption of the flow of determination responsible for the formation of pattern or the blockage of lymphatic fluid. The radioautographic pattern of the treated wing shows also the change of form, colour and position of the scale areas.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
General Chemistry