1. “Hume’s Theory of Space and Time in Its Skeptical Context.”;In The Cambridge Companion to Hume 2nd edn. Ed. D. Norton/J. Taylor,2009
2. Custom and Reason in Hume: A Kantian Reading of the First Book of the Treatise;Custom and Reason in Hume: A Kantian Reading of the First Book of the Treatise,2008
3. The Letters of David Hume;The Letters of David Hume,1932
4. System of Natural Philosophy;System of Natural Philosophy,1735
5. “Hume’s Newtonianism and Anti-Newtonianism,”;The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2008 Edition), E. Zalta, URL = http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2008/entries/hume-newton/,2007