1. Institute of Solid State Physics, Kengaraga 8, LV-1063 Riga, Latvia
EXAFS spectroscopy is an element-specific method that can provide
perhaps the most extensive information on the local atomic structure
and lattice dynamics for a broad class of materials. Conventional
methods of EXAFS data treatment are often limited to the nearest
coordination shells of the absorbing atom due to the difficulties in
accurate accounting for the large number of correlated structural
parameters that have to be included in the analysis. In this study we
overcome this problem by applying novel simulation-based method:
reverse Monte Carlo simulations, coupled with the evolutionary
algorithm and with a powerful signal processing technique – wavelet
transform. This complex approach was applied to the analysis of the
W L3-edge and Co K-edge EXAFS spectra of
crystalline CoWO4, which exists in antiferromagnetic state
below 55 K. Temperature dependence of the local environment
up to 4.3 Å around both metal ions was
reconstructed in the range from 10 K to 300 K,
and the rigidity of the tungstate structure due to zigzag chains of
WO6 and CoO6 octahedra was analyzed.
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Cited by
10 articles.