1. TU Dresden, Physical Chemistry of Polymers, Department of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Hydrogels are cross-linked, water-soluble polymers which are swollen
in water or in aqueous solution. Some of these hydrogels (smart
hydrogels) show a drastic change of their properties, particularly the
degree of swelling and the modulus, in dependence on the properties
(temperature, pH, ionic strength, and composition) of the swelling
agent. The application of smart gels requires a defined and fast swell
kinetic. Therefore, there is an interest in the synthesis of thin
patterned films with good mechanical performance. Photolithography is
a powerful method to synthesize films and pattern in the
μm-range. Nanocomposite (NC) hydrogels exhibit excellent
mechanical properties, even in the swollen state. The photochemical
reaction may be stopped easily by switching off the light source. This
allows characterizing the structure of molecules formed during the
reaction. On example of synthesis of nanocomposite hydrogels the
monitoring of photochemical induced network formation by dynamic light
scattering is demonstrated. Application relevant properties of NC-gels
and the phase diagram are reported. Gels were patterned by UV
irradiation through a mask. The patterning process is visualized by
FT-IR imaging.
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
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1 articles.