The Drafting Committee of theSC de Ludis Saecularibusof 17 February 17 BCE and the Principle of Seniority-based Hierarchy in Official Documents


Pina Polo Francisco1


1. Universidad de Zaragoza Ciencias de la Antigüedad / Grupo Hiberus Zaragoza Spain


SummaryThe fragmentary inscription on theludi saecularescontains mention of twosenatus consultaof year 17 BCE. This paper gives new arguments for identifying the five known consulars heading the drafting commission of thesenatus consultumof 17 February: M. Iunius Silanus (cos. 25), Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (cos. 18), L. Marcius Censorinus (cos. 39), C. Asinius Pollio (cos. 40) and L. Vinicius (cos. suff. 33). This list challenges the accepted notion that senators named as members of the drafting commissions ofsenatus consulta(and other official documents) were always arranged according to their seniority (i.e., who had held a given office earliest). Such an open new approach could question or even significantly alter the chronology of Roman magistracies that has been accepted on the basis of seniority hierarchy so far.


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