1. R. Javidan, M. A. Masnadi-Shirazi, Z. Azimifar, “Contourlet-Based Acoustic Seabed Ground Discrimination System”, Third IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, Damascus, Syria, April 7-11, 2008
2. T. J. Arsanjani, R. Javidan, M. J. Nazemosadat, J. J. Arsanjani, E Vaz, “Spatiotemporal monitoring of Bakhtegan Lake's areal fluctuations and an exploration of its future status by applying a cellular automata model”, Computers & Geosciences, No. 78, pp. 37-43, 2015.
3. V. Kavoosi, M. J. Dehghani, R. Javidan, “Selective geometry for near-field three-dimensional localisation using one-pair sensor”, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (accepted)
4. R. Mohammadi, S. Y. Nabavi, R. Javidan, “MAC Protocols in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and simulations”, Journal of Advances in Computer Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 97-109, 2014
5. S. Rowshanrad, M. Keshtgary, R. Javidan, “MBC: A Multi-hop Balanced Clustering Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 164-170, 2014.