Russian School in the Socio-Political Space of Latvia (1991 – 2021)


Volkov V. V.1ORCID


1. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology – University of Latvia


Russian-language teaching schools, or bilingual schools, are the most important institution for the reproduction of the ethno-cultural collective identity of the Russian and Russian-speaking population in modern Latvia. The present and future of these schools are included in a very complex legal and socio-political context. On the one hand, Latvian legislation proclaims the right of ethnic minorities to preserve their identity, on the other hand, the dominant political discourse is focused on reducing teaching in Russian in these schools to a minimum. The article shows that it is the political context constructed by the leading political parties, and not the rights guaranteed by the constitution to ethnic minorities, that is the main factor that leads to a sharp weakening of Russian (bilingual) education in Latvia. The research material is based on the Latvian legislation in the field of education and language, the programs of political parties, the data of scientific research of Latvian sociologists, including the author of the article, expert assessments of scientists and public figures of the process of education of ethnic minorities.


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Reference12 articles.

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