Analysis of innovative developments in the field of foamed materials


Zufarova Z. U.1,Tashpulatov S. SH.1,Cherunova I. V.2,Yaven Zhen


1. «Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry»

2. «Don State Technical University, Russian Federation»


In this article, an analytical method is carried out in innovative developments in the field of diving suits with high thermal conductivity. Examples are given of the developments of the athlete and scientist Jack O’Neill, as well as the innovative developments of American chemists under the leadership of Jacopo Buongiorno from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Developers, together with chemists, on the basis of research, introduce small chemical elements into the pores of neoprene fabric, thus achieving the necessary thermal stability, flexibility and strength. During the analytical method, not only neprene wetsuits were studied, but also the latest developments in the field of eco-suits. This foam is made from limestone, as it is a natural material, which allows these suits to reduce the negative impact on the environment.


Almaty Technological University JSC

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