The role of the use of mineral fibers in the process of obtaining composite materials for special purpose


Rysbaeva I. A.1ORCID,Upenova A. R.1ORCID


1. Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov


   The article discusses the composition, structure and properties of mineral fillers and their role in the production of composite materials. Depending on the purpose of composite polymer materials, in order to save expensive raw materials, taking into account the operating environment and decorative requirements, it is possible to widely vary the percentage of raw materials and obtain products with different physical and mechanical properties, color and other performance properties.   The purpose of the research work is to study the possibility of using mineral fibers in the process of obtaining composite materials for special purposes.   The production of composites makes it possible to significantly expand the range of polymeric materials and the variety of their properties already based on polymers created and produced by the industry. Physical and chemical modification of existing polymers, their combination with substances of a different nature, different structure is one of the promising ways to create materials with a new required set of properties. The use of various mixtures of polymers, additives, fillers and methods of their processing, their introduction into the polymer, both in the process of synthesis and during processing, makes it possible to obtain polymer composite materials of various structures, with the required set of performance properties. An analysis of the use of mineral fillers shows that they are distinguished by a variety of chemical composition, have different physical and mechanical properties, including density, specific surface area, particle shape, etc. The conducted studies haveconfirmed the possibility of using basalt fiber and products based on it as a component that is heat-resistant and resistant to aggressive and humid environments.


Almaty Technological University JSC

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