1. AO «Almaty Technological University»
The research is devoted to the feed value and amino acid composition of sprouted triticale grain. The purpose of the study is to study the feed value of sprouted triticale grain. The article presents the results of a study of 3 domestic varieties of sprouted triticale grains for use in the feed industry. The physicochemical parameters, as well as the mass fraction of carbohydrates, the content of vitamins, mineral elements and the amino acid composition of sprouted triticale grains were studied. The data obtained indicate that the use of sprouted triticale grains is a source of easily digestible carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and enzymes. According to the content of crude protein, the leading grade of Taza was 15.83%, according to the content of crude fiber, the grade of Kozhar was 13.77%. The content of the mineral elements potassium and phosphorus is highest in the Asiada variety potassium- 422.18% and phosphorus-340.07%. The use of sprouted grain in the feed industry to increase the digestibility and digestibility of animal feed. The practical significance of the technology for the production of compound feeds using sprouted triticale grain in order to improve quality and increase shelf life.
Almaty Technological University JSC
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