The research of secondary resources in corn processing


Aitbayeva A. Zh.1ORCID,Alibekov R. S.1ORCID,Farah S. T.2ORCID


1. NAO "M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University"

2. Universiti Putra Malaysia


The effective use of secondary resources of corn processing and maximum extraction of components with useful and specific physical and chemical characteristics allow production of innovative national fermented milk products with functional and technological properties of high nutritional value. The purpose of the scientific research was to study the composition of mineral, chemical and biologically valuable substances of raw materials such as fresh roots, grains and stalks of Zea Mays corn. The main direction of the scientific research is the substantiation and selection of secondary raw materials during the processing of corn, which contain biologically active substances of high nutritional value. Creation of scientific bases for designing the composition of multi-component food products and use of non-traditional types of raw materials, improvement of technology is one of the urgent issues of scientific and practical importance. The object of research is the fresh root, grain and stigmas of corn of the genus Zea Mays. Physical and chemical indicators, vitamin and mineral composition were determined during the research. By recycling secondary resources in corn processing, it is possible to obtain an extract with a biologically active substance, and by extracting the most useful components from it, it allows obtaining innovative products with functional properties. Analysis of existing technologies of secondary resources after corn processing clearly shows that none of the available technological solutions ensure the preservation of their integrity and quality. In this regard, the results of the study of physical and chemical indicators, vitamin and mineral composition of the research object contribute to science. From this, it can be concluded that the selected secondary resources can be considered as a source of extraction of a biologically valuable substance with antioxidant properties.


Almaty Technological University JSC


General Engineering

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