Study of the yield of dry substances during extraction of grape seeds and flax seeds


Tastemirova U. U.1ORCID,Mukhtarkhanova R. B.2ORCID,Singisov A. U.1ORCID


1. M. Auezov’ South-Kazakhstan University

2. Almaty Technological University


   The extraction process is one of the most widely used methods in the food industry for obtaining biologically active substances necessary for fortifying food products.   The purpose of this work is to study the influence of temperature, extraction duration and the content of plant materials (grape seeds and flax seeds) in the extractant on the yield of dry substances.   The influence of the duration of the extraction process on the yield of has been established dry substances: for grape seeds 70 minutes, for flax seeds 65 minutes. Research has proven that the optimal content of flax seeds and grape seeds in the extractant is 12 % by weight of the extractant, and the extraction temperature is 400 ℃. The use of low-frequency ultrasonic technology in conjunction with vacuum allows us to obtain the maximum yield of dry substances from the composition of plant raw materials. For the products studied, the maximum yield of dry substances was 17.5 %. According to the results of the study, the recommended technological mode for low-frequency vacuum-ultrasonic extraction of a combined solution: 50% grape seed and 50 % flax seeds is: vibration frequency 22 kHz, ultrasound power 0.3 kW, residual pressure 0.09 MPa and exposure duration 15 minutes.


Almaty Technological University JSC

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