The effect of oleogel amounts on microbiological and organoleptic parameters of semi-smoked sausage


Igenbayev А. К.1ORCID,Аmirkhanov Sh. А.1ORCID,Ospankulova G. H.1ORCID,Temirova I. J.1ORCID,Aldiyeva A. B.1ORCID,Salykova D. A.1,Kardenov S. A.1ORCID


1. Kazakh agrotechnical university named after S. Seifullin


   Since 2021, research has been conducted on the effect of various amounts of three-component oleogel, introduced as a substitute for animal fats, on the microbiological and organoleptic parameters of semi-smoked sausages.   The aim of the study was to study the effect of three-component oleogel introduced in amounts of 7 % and 10 % on microbiological and organoleptic parameters of sausage products in comparison with control samples anddepending on storage conditions.   The study was conducted 12 days after the date of manufacture in accordance with the storage conditions of the semi-smoked sausage technology. In terms of organoleptic parameters, the prototypes were not inferior to the control sample. On the contrary, they showed good results in juiciness, taste, appearance, smell and color. Semi-smoked sausages were dried according to the modes in a special laboratory apparatus (special cabinet SS 107 - meat) at a temperature of 12 °C and a relative humidity of 72 %. Microbiological indicators showed that the samples of sausages stored for 12 days did not contain E. coliform bacteria, S.aureus, sulfite-reducing clostridium, listeria (L. Monocytogenes), pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella. Thus, the introduction of three-component oleogel into the composition of sausages does not have a negative effect on microbiological indicators.


Almaty Technological University JSC


General Engineering

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