1. Almaty Technological University
2. University of Food Technologies
The demand for natural and functional food products is constantly increasing, driving the research on new ingredients and technologies to enhance the quality and safety of meat products. This literature review focuses on the application of new functional ingredients and traceability of meat products to ensure their quality. The study examines the surface treatment of meat with bioactive substances such as dihydroquercetin from Larix sibirica Ledeb, rosemary extract (Rosmarinus officinalis), and distilled rose petal extract (Rosa damescena Mill.). Additionally, the inclusion of functional ingredients such as dried goji berries (Lycium barbarum) and pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) in meat matrices is discussed. The research highlights the potential benefits of these functional ingredients in inhibiting lipid oxidation, preserving color, and improving the taste qualities of meat products. The inclusion of natural antioxidants and bioactive compounds derived from plants presents a promising alternative to synthetic additives. Furthermore, the reduction of potentially harmful substances, such as nitrites, in meat products is achieved through the inclusion of functional ingredients. To ensure the quality and safety of these functionally processed meat products, a traceability system is proposed. This system includes documentation of ingredient origin, production processes, and packaging information. Implementing a traceability system enables the tracking of product movement and distribution throughout the supply chain, thereby confirming the positive effects of the ingredients and ensuring consumer trust. The aim of this article is to integrate new functional ingredients and implement a traceability system to enhance the quality, safety, and acceptability of meat products by consumers. These approaches align with the growing demand for natural and high-quality food products, opening opportunities for innovation in the meat industry. Funding information: The materials were prepared within the framework of the "Zhas Galym" project within the scientific and technical program AP15473123 "Digitalization of the traceability system of meat products to improve the quality of semi-smoked sausages during long-term storage" of the budget program 217 "Development of Science" subprogram 102 "Grant financing of scientific research" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024.
Almaty Technological University JSC
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