Development of a method for producing fire-resistant and biocidal non-woven material from linen and wool fibers


Idelbayeva N. A.1ORCID,Burkitbay A.1ORCID,Ormanova M. A.1ORCID,Takey Ye.1ORCID,Ongar T.2ORCID


1. Almaty Technological University

2. Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology at Technical University of Dresden


The article considered the effective issues of preparing a set of quality of special clothes for express delivery courier service, strengthening corporate culture and promoting the brand. The special uniform of the employees ensures the reputation and reliability of the service companies, which increases the professional image of the service. A special uniform, made of textured materials mixed with corporate colors, allows customers to immediately identify the field of service, increases its recognition in this field and the loyalty of its work. In the preparation of express delivery courier clothing sets, mixed textured materials were selected and the wear resistance, non-cracking and friction resistance properties of the various materials package met the specified index requirements, the state technical regulatory committee analyzed the standard indicators in the test samples. The multi-functional express delivery courier clothing set prepared according to the requirements of modern fashion has the importance of creating a new composition of the suit in new constructive and artistic solutions for each season, making the transformation of the courier clothing according to the function impossible. On the basis of the above-mentioned factors, courier clothing is transformed according to the service. A set of clothes prepared with reflective elements ensures the safety of the courier (front waist, back waist, sleeves, trouser seams). Courier's special work clothes made from a package of mixed textured materials, express delivery set is easy to service and meets operational requirements, its shape allows comfortable operation in any weather without hindering movement and extends the service life.


Almaty Technological University JSC

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