Methods of processing the stomachs of cattle


Tatiyeva A. N.1ORCID,Omirzhanova B. B.1ORCID,Kenenbay G. S.1ORCID


1. LLP «Kazakh research institute of processing and food industry»


Currently, the meat industry has accumulated considerable experience in the efficient processing of cattle byproducts. But the share of their use for food purposes remains low. This concerns, first of all, the treatment of the multicameral stomach of cattle. The future direction of scientific research is the use of these by-products in full. This article discusses the technological processes of processing by-products of cattle (tripe and reticulated tripe) using waste from the dairy industry. One of the concrete and effective ways to solve the problem is to carry out the processes of biotechnological processing of cattle. To reduce the time of heat treatment and eliminate the specific odor characteristic of the scar, and to reduce the mechanical strength, a technology for processing cattle rumen with whey is proposed. The nutritional value and consumer properties of cattle by-products (rumen, reticulated rumen) have been investigated as a source of food raw materials, the prospects of use are assessed. In this work, the possibility of treating the scar of cattle with serum was investigated. Studies of the physico-chemical composition and biological value of by-products have shown a high content of proteins and minerals, amino acids in the abdominal and retina. A solution of whey is recommended for softening and cleansing the rumen of cattle and reticulated cattle. Processing of collagen-containing raw materials with biologically active substances using whey microorganisms should be recognized as one of the promising areas.


Almaty Technological University JSC

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