Ari S Shinta Mulia,Umiyati Sri,Ambarwati Arie
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between leadership and organizational culture and the performance of village officials at the same time, and to build a model of the relationship between leadership and organizational culture and the performance of Pesanggrahan village officials in Batu District, Batu City. The questionnaires were distributed to 30 employees of the Pesanggrahan Village office in Batu City as respondents. The research design is quantitative associative, with an explanation method that explains the relationship between leadership and organizational culture variables and employee performance. A survey of all respondents, namely village office employees, was used as the sampling technique. Multiple regression techniques are used to test hypotheses, and the model is determined using the correlation coefficient (r) and the coefficient of determination (R2). Statistical tests show that the value of t-count > t table for leadership is 5,533 > 2,042, demonstrating a direct relationship between leadership and employee performance. There is a correlation between organizational culture and the performance of village officials where the value of t count (3.830) > t table (2.042). While the F test (2.406 < 3.320) as a test interpretation between leadership and organizational culture with village officials' performance also demonstrates the results of an indirect relationship between the two independent variables and the dependent variable. 03< 0.05 and t-count = 5.533> 2.042. So we can conclude that H1 is accepted, implying that X1 and Y have a relationship. The t value is 3.830 > 2.042 and the second hypothesis testing calculation for the relationship between X2 and Y is 0.04< 0.05. So we can conclude that H2 is accepted, implying that X2 and Y have a relationship.
Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance.
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