Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of death and disability in those aged under 40 years. Therefore, research in this area of neurosurgery is highly relevant. The review presents insights on current trends in TBI neurosurgery, emphasising severe forms management. Literature review of English and Russian language peer-reviewed publications relating to various forms of TBI showed three main research areas: 1) evolution of surgical techniques with the development toward minimally invasive approaches with equipment and materials modification/development; 2) search for reliable assessment tools to predict the patient's condition in the early and remote postoperative periods; 3) evaluation of the effectiveness of multimodal approaches for diagnosing brain pathology. Keywords: Traumatic brain injury, TBI, severe TBI, surgery, neurosurgery, methods, biomarkers.
Avicenna Tajik State Medical University
Psychiatry and Mental health
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