Auditory and speech development in a 3-year-old boy with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder


Mazaheryazdi Malihah,Akbari Mehdi,Abolhasan Choobdar Farhad


Background: Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) in the auditory neural pathway can affect the auditory and speech development of children. Since the symptoms and complications of this disorder are similar in different children, hearing management and rehabilitation can help with better development of speech/ language and hearing perception in children with ANSD. The Case: In this study, the case was a one-yearold boy with ANSD and mild to moderate highfrequency sensorineural hearing loss. He first underwent various audiological examinations. Then, an aural rehabilitation program containing different auditory information and games was provided to him, his family, and caregiver at their home and in the rehabilitation center. Conclusion: Although auditory neuropathy/ dissynchrony in the auditory neural pathway has negative effect on the auditory and speech development, but the children with ANSD can use different inputs for language comprehension and acquisition if they receive effective education, especially auditory training at an earlier age. Keywords: Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder; speech perception; auditory training


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