Anggeraini Dian,Farozin Muh.
Thisstudyaimstodeterminethepercentageofinterpersonalcommunicationskillsand studentself-confidencethatisownedbyjuniorhighschoolstudents.Themethodused in this research is survey method. Data collection used interpersonal communication and confidence scales given to 100 students of Muhammadiyah Pakem Senior High School School selected by using proportioned cluster - random sampling technique. The findings of this study indicated that there were still many students who had low communication and confident skills. This was indicated by the percentage value of 57% of students having low interpersonal communication skills and 59% of students had low self-confidence. The intervention that could be given was to provide group guidance services with psychodrama role playing techniques to enhance the students’ interpersonal communication skills and self-confidence.
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