Design of Flipped Classroom Learning in Vocational Education to improve HOT Skills in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0


. Ambiyar,. Waskitov,Rojiyyah Iffah,Efendi Raimon,Agustin Wulandari Ratih


This study aims to describe and analyze how the flipped classroom learning model design in Computer Network Security learning in Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science. This study aims to design and develop a flipped classroom model to improve 21st century learning ability (4C).The type of development method used is Research and Development (R & D). The development procedure used is 4-D, and is part of the development stage of a learning model. The type of data used is primary data where data is obtained directly from universities, lecturers, experts and students. The results of research based on needs analysis and literature reviews have produced a flipped classroom model design, and based on the results of expert validation it can be concluded that the website-based flipped classroom design is considered quality to measure student competency achievement consisting of menu material, student recap, questions, concept understanding, assessment self, character values, and recap values. Based on the validation results of all the design indicators for the flipped classroom model which were assessed by the validator from the aspects of the feasibility of the content, the language of the instruments, and the feasibility of the graphic aspects of the valid and feasible categories for testing. Keywords: HOT skills; flipped; classroom learning; vocational education


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