Initial State Fluctuations and Complete Destruction of the Projectile Nucleus in Interactions of Asymmetric Nuclei at High Energies
Container-title:KnE Energy
Dmitrieva E,Fedosimova A,Fisenko A,Grushevskaya E,Ibraimova S,Izbasarov M,Kozhamkulov T,Lebedev I,Ospanov N,Temiraliev A,Temiraliev T,Tursunov R
A study of characteristics of the events of complete destruction of the projectile nucleus in the interactions between asymmetric nuclei for different initial states of the collision, is performed. In the interactions of the sulfur nuclei with heavy emulsion nuclei at energy 200 AGeV, anomalous high number of events the complete destruction of the projectile nuclei, is observed. The high probability of such events depends on the energy of interaction (it is not detected in the interactions of the sulfur nuclei with emulsion nuclei at energy of 3.7 AGeV), on the degree of asymmetry of the interacting nuclei (it is not detected in interactions of the sulfur nuclei with light emulsion nuclei) and on initial state of interaction (it is not detected in peripheral collisions). These events are characterized by high multiplicity of secondary particles and narrow angular distribution at large angles (they form narrow peak in the region of small values of average pseudorapidity).