Nur Arifah Mir'atun,Habibi Moh. Mizan,Dewantoro M. Hajar,Afifah Adawiyah Siti,Haningsih Sri
This study discusses the use of platforms in online learning for students with special needs. Students with special needs have participated in online learning in the last 2 years following government policies regarding the implementation of learning during the pandemic. The learning process certainly has its own challenges because of the different conditions of the students. Various adjustments that must be made are constrained by existing limitations. The rapid development of various learning platforms does not seem to have much contribution in the implementation of learning for students with special needs. This research was conducted in several schools in Java which represent the research topic. Data were collected through interviews with 3 groups of informants consisting of teachers, parents, and students. The data is supported by the results of observations and documentation of the implementation of online learning which is followed by students with special needs. The results show that in general there are 3 platforms used in online learning for students with special needs. The platforms used are Whatsapp„ Google Workspace, and Youtube. the three platforms are used in the process of delivering material, storing and categorizing learning documents, and used in the learning evaluation process. The selection of the platform was based on several considerations, namely: it is familiar to students, easy to use, and does not require a large quota.
Keywords: Platform; Online Learning; Student with Special Needs
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