The mandibular interforaminal region is a preferred area in many oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery protocols, especially in dental implant applications. Case reports in recent years show that many complications can be encountered in the mandibular interforaminal region. The most dangerous and life-threatening of these are lingual artery injuries that can reach up to upper airway obstruction. Avoiding this complication, which can be encountered regardless of experience, is only necessary to have a good knowledge of the vascular anatomy of the mandibular interforaminal region and to perform the necessary radiographic examinations before the procedure. When such a bleeding complication is encountered in cases such as insufficient radiographic examination of the patient or the presence of anatomical variation, the physician should be equipped with the knowledge and equipment to manage the process and the complication. In this study, the anatomical vascular anatomy of the mandibular interforaminal region, the lingual foramen and their frequency, together with the literature on complication avoidance and coping methods are summarized. Thus, it is aimed to refresh the knowledge of dentists about this serious complication.
Ankara Dis Hekimleri Odasi
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