1. Mar Baselios Dental College
The sound health of the supporting tissues is critical to the long-term success of Fixed Prosthodontic treatment, especially when it involves the Maxillary Anterior region. This will contribute immensely to a lasting esthetic outcome.
The final prosthetic value may be may be compromised by factors such as extend of gingival display, gingival architecture, coronal dimensions clinically, and tooth position. Surgical correction for optimization of soft tissue contour possesses certain drawbacks as it is an invasive procedure which could involve a longer and unpredictable healing period as well as the possible risk of an infection.
This article describes a non-surgical approach for the re-contouring of the soft tissue through the sustained application of pressure using a provisional fixed prosthesis, which could avoid potential complications that a surgical approach may invite and provide a reliable option to enhance anterior aesthetic value in the final fixed prosthesis.
Keywords: Anterior aesthetics, Non-surgical, Soft tissue re-contouring, Provisional prosthesis, Zirconia
Indian Dental Association