A Study On Odontometric Assessment Of Mandibular Canine For Sexual Dimorphism


Surya Kanthi Bandhakavi1,Anil babu Akunuru2,chowdary Linga Esha2,Ramya Namburu Janaki1,Chandrashekar Poosarla1


1. Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences Takkellapadu, Guntur

2. SIBAR Institute of Dental Sciences Takkellapadu, Guntur Andhra Pradesh


Introduction: Gender identification from the skeletal remains is an important part and procedure of forensic sciences. In forensic investigations the tooth especially canine gives excellent evidence in determining the gender because of many physical characters of it. Sexual dimorphism of mandibular canine provides an immense usage in forensic investigation. The aim of the study was to assess the dimensions of mandibular canines, as an adjunctive tool in determination of gender and dimorphism pertaining to the age group of 21-32 years. Materials and methods: The study was performed on 80 subjects in general population (40 males and 40 females). Following parameters were considered in the study; mesiodistal width of right and left mandibular canine, intercanine arch width and right and left MCI. All the measurements were taken on dental casts and tabulated for statistical analysis. Results: Mesiodistal dimension and intercanine values were utilised to determine the mean for the right and left mandibular canine. Assessment of the Standard Mandibular canine index showed more sexual dimorphism with right mandibular canine. Conclusion: The accuracy of determining gender using the mesiodistal parameter of mandibular canine turns out to be satisfactory and justifies usage as tool in forensic sciences. Keywords : Mandibular Canine, Canine Index, Sexual Dimorphism, Mass Disaster.


Indian Dental Association

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