1. Sudha Rustagi College of Dental Sciences and Research Faridabad, Haryana
AIM: To evaluate & compare antimicrobial efficacy of two herbal products as root canal irrigants in primary endodontic infections.
MATERIALS&METHOD: 78 patients were selected, out of which only 66 patients met the inclusion criteria & were furtherrandomly divided into 3 groups (n=22 each), Group-1: 2.5% Sodium Hypochlorite, Group – 2: Chitosan, Group – 3 : Propolis. Access cavity was prepared & working length was determined radiographically. A sterile paper point was inserted into the canal for 60 sec. Three samples were taken for each tooth. Biomechanical preparation was done upto master apical size #40 K-file. Irrigation was done with the respective irrigants. Post instrumentation sample (S2) was collected in the similar manner as S1. Microbiological samples (S1, S2) were preincubated for 30 minutes and plated on Brain heart infusion agar. Colonies were counted after 24 hours using classic bacterial counting method. Normality of data was checked using Shapiro wilk testand intra/intergroup comparison was done using Anova& Post hoc Tukey test
RESULTS: The mean bacterial counts of Group- II were found to be lower than that of Group- III & Group- I. However, the difference was not statistically significant when compared to Group- I but the difference was statistically significant with Group- III.
CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that herbal products have shown significant antimicrobial activity in comparison to 2.5 % Sodium hypochlorite in primary endodontic infections in patients and can be recommended for use in clinical situations.
KEYWORDS: Chitosan, Herbal irrigants, Irrigants, Propolis, Sodium Hypochlorite
Indian Dental Association
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