1. Haemophilia Treatment Centre Government District Hospital Aluva, Kerala.
2. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences
3. Haemophilia Treatment Centre Government District Hospital Aluva, Kerala
Haemophilia is characterized by bleeding from multiple sites, frequently manifested in the mouth as gingival and post-extraction haemorrhages. The number of haemophilia patients requiring dental treatment is on the rise. The management of a haemophilia patient is carried out as a team work by the Medical Officer, Haematologist,Orthopaedician, Dental Surgeon, Pathologist, Nurse Coordinator, Physiologist, Psychologist etc. The Government District Hospital, Aluva, is the nodal centre under the Government of Kerala for the treatment of patients with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders like VonWillebrand disease, Glanzmann disease, Thalassemia etc. The dental treatmentsdone at Aluva government hospital include mainly tooth extraction (both deciduous and permanent), restoration of teeth, placing of removable partial denture, root canal treatment and scaling.
Haemophilia, Clotting factor concentrate, Bleeding, Dental
extraction and FEIBA.
Indian Dental Association