
Skalnaya M. G.1ORCID,Grabeklis A. R.1ORCID,Skalny A. A.2ORCID,Ajsuvakova Olga P.1ORCID,Lobanova Yu. N.3ORCID,Serebryansky E. P.4ORCID,Skalny A. V.5ORCID


1. P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University; Russian Peoples’ Friendship University

2. Russian Peoples’ Friendship University

3. Russian Peoples’ Friendship University; Micronutrients, limited liability company

4. Micronutrients, limited liability company

5. P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University; Russian Peoples’ Friendship University; Micronutrients, limited liability company


Introduction. The purpose of this study was to study and assess the elemental status of residents of the Kirov region as a part of the Volga Region Federal District (VFD). Material and methods. The content of elements in the hair of 295 men and women (73 and 222, respectively, 25-50 years old) and 120 boys and girls (46 and 74, respectively, 3-15 years old) were studied using massspectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. This indicator serves an index in assessing the impact of environment on human organism. Methods of non-parametric statistics were used for the mathematical simulation of our data. Results. It was found that women, girls and boys compared with other regions of the VFD are characterized by a relative increase in the absolute content (median) in the hair of Mg, Fe, V. For people living in the territory of the Kirov region a relative increase in the Si level in the hair is characterized with exception of boys. The relatively reduced level of Cu (with the exception of women) and Se (with the exception of men) also make oneself conspicuous. Discussion of the results. The main problems associated with a decrease in the content of Cu and Se compounds, as well as an increase in the content of Si, Mg, Fe and V, most likely have a geochemical nature and, in particular, are associated with the chemical composition of drinking water. The hair of children in a greater degree than in adults is shown to be a biological substrate, the elemental composition of which indicates to ecological and social factors, the quality of products and the development of the health care system. Conclusions. The obtained data can be recommended for the use as reference values in assessing the level of chemical compounds in the hair of adults and children living in the territory of the Kirov region.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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