1. Bobryts’ka, VI., 2011. ‘Zastosuvannya informatsiyno-komunikatsiynykh tekhnolohiy u vyshchiy pedahohichniy osviti (Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Pedagogical Education)’, Pedahohichna osvita : teoriya i praktyka. Pedahohika. Psykholohiya, № 16 (2), S. 35-39.
2. Bobryts’ka, VI., 2015. ‘Osvitnya polityka Ukrayiny u sferi informatyzatsiyi osvity (Educational policy of Ukraine in the field of informatization of education)’, Osvitnya polityka: filosofiya, teoriya, praktyka [monohrafiya], Kyyiv : Vyd-vo NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, S. 273-316.
3. Bobryts’ka, VI., Hlushak, OM., 2014. ‘Osnovy informatsiynoyi kul’tury bakalavriv z filolohiyi [navch.-metod. posibn. dlya stud. vyshch. navch. zakl.] (Fundamentals of the Information Culture of Bachelors in Philology [teaching method. manual for studio higher tutor zakol.])’, Poltava : Polihrafichnyy tsentr "Skaytek", 116 s.
4. Bobryts’ka, VI., Prots’ka, SM., 2016. ‘Komp’yuterno-oriyentovana osvita maybutnikh filolohiv: [navchal’no-metodychnyy posibnyk dlya studentiv VNZ] (Computer-oriented education of future philologists: [instructional manual for students of higher educational establishments])’, Poltava : Skaytek, 136 s.
5. Bobryts’ka, VI., Prots’ka, SM., 2013. ‘Komp’yuterno-oriyentovane seredovyshche navchannya yak zasib formuvannya profesiynykh kompetentnostey u maybutnikh uchyteliv (Computer-Oriented Learning Environment as a Means to Generate Professional Competences for Future Teachers)’, Materialy Mizhnarodnoho seminaru "Khmarni tekhnolohiyi v osviti" (20 hrudnya 2013 r.). Dostupno: [Data zvernennya 21 Hrudnya 2018].