1. 1) “Tobacco Control Advocacy 3rd revised edition,” ed. by Japan Society for Tobacco Control, NANZANDO Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 2014, pp. 1-273.
2. 2) “Smoking Cessation Rates among Adults (JT National Smoking Cessation Rates).”: 〈http://www.health-net.or.jp/tobacco/product/pd090000.html〉, Japan Health Promotion & Fitness Foundation Web, cited 27 October, 2015.
3. 3) The Community Health Promotion and Nutrition Committee of the Health Science Council, the Next Stage National Health Promotion Expert Planning Committee, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. “Reference Materials on the Promotion of the Health Japan 21 (2nd term).”: 〈http://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/shingi/2r9852000002ddhl.html〉, cited 27 October, 2015.
4. 4) The Japanese Circulation Society, The Japan Lung Cancer Society, The Japanese Cancer Association, Japanese Respiratory Society. “A Standard Procedure Book for Smoking Cessation Therapy, 6th Edition.”: 〈http://www.j-circ.or.jp/kinen/anti_smoke_std/pdf/anti_smoke_std_rev6.pdf〉, cited 27 October, 2015.
5. 5) The Japanese Society for Dental Health, The Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, The Japan Society of Public Health, The Japanese Respiratory Society, The Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Japanese Circulation Society, The Japan Pediatric Society, The Japanese College of Cardiology. The Japan Lung Cancer Society. “Guidelines for Smoking Cessation, 2010 Edition.”: 〈http://tobacco-control-research-net.jp/data/document/JCS2010murohara.h.pdf〉, cited 27 October, 2015.