1. 1) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. ‘Number of pharmacies’: 〈https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/youran/indexyk_2_4.html〉, cited 26 July, 2020.
2. 2) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. ‘Number of medical institutions’: 〈https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/youran/indexyk_2_2.html〉, cited 26 July, 2020.
3. 3) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. ‘Pharmacists’: 〈https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/ishi/18/dl/kekka-3.pdf〉, cited 26 July, 2020.
4. 4) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, “Pharmacists Act”: 〈https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/search/elawsSearch/elaws_search/lsg0500/detail?lawId=335AC0000000146〉, cited 15 October, 2020.
5. 5) Kiyono M., “Eiseiyakugaku Kiso-Yobo-Rinsho,” ed. by Imai H., Ogura Y., Nankodo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 2020, pp.136-143.