
Zhabchenko I.ORCID,Kovalenko T.ORCID,Lishchenko I.ORCID


Relevance: The article presents current evidence on the perinatal effects of prolonged stress on pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic.The currently known features of the post-covidsyndrome in general and in the female population in particular are indicated. The purposewas to determine the perinatal effects of prolonged stress during a pandemic and ways to correct them. Materials and method sincludedan analysis of the scientific literature on the topic available in the public domain. Results: The article reviews the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and perinatal outcomes after suffering a coronavirus infection, as well as the manifestations of post-covid syndrome in this cohort of women. An increase in the frequency of anxiety-depressive disorders in pregnant women and women in labor during a pandemic and their effect on the further mental state of the fetus and the development of its brain has been noted. The specific consequences of prolonged stress were determined.It became known that pregnant women during a pandemic are exposed to prolonged stress, which affects the course of their gestational period. One should note an increase in the frequency of the threat of termination of pregnancy, premature birth and delivery in 17-28% cases; exacerbation of chronic somatic diseases during pregnancy; an increase in BMI on the eve of pregnancy and a pathological increase in body weight during pregnancy. The article also discusses the timely detection and possible ways to correct these conditions despite a transition to remote monitoring of pregnant women in quarantine; offers organizational, treatment, and preventive measures with the use of preparations of micronized progesterone, magnesium citrate, folates (metafoline) and vitamin D, as well as psychoprophylaxis and psychotherapy methods. Particular attention is paid to the role of magnesium in pregnancy and its neuroprotective and metabolic effects, in particular when used in the form of citrate in a soluble form. The authors state the main directions of rehabilitation for pregnant women and women in labor after suffering COVID-19. Conclusion: So, our current knowledge about the course and consequences of COVID-19 in pregnant women and women in childbirth is not yet perfect and not final, but it allows determining the directions of scientific and practical research for the next period.


MedMedia Kazakhstan

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