
Z. K. Ayupova 1ORCID,D. U. Kussainov 2ORCID,M. T. Beisenbayeva 3ORCID,Winston Nagan 4ORCID


1. Doctor of Science in Law, Professor of Law, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; zaure567@yandex.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5925-1619

2. Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; daur958@mail.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4274-5986

3. Candidate of Science in Law, Associated Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; manshuk.beisenbaeva@mail.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8922-3160

4. Doctor of Science in Law, Professor of Law, Michigan University, USA; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7381-8389


In the XXI century the role of Central Asia in international politics is increasing. This region, possessing rich natural, energy, mineral and raw material resources, has an important geostrategic position, in which we see the geopolitical confrontation of global actors. The confrontation is explained by the fact that, for example, for Russia this region, being a “vulnerable underbelly”, is included in the traditional sphere of influence, from the perspective of China, the region seems to be an alternative source of energy and a vital partner for stabilizing and developing the troubled Xinjiang province. As for the United States and their allies, this region appears to be an important transportation hub, for example, for military supplies to unstable Afghanistan. Central Asia is not only a key region on the world map, the establishment of control over which allows you to manage the regional transit of hydrocarbons and other types of strategic raw materials for the largest developing economies, primarily China, and, as a result, affect their economic growth and aggregate power. Central Asia is a crossroad of civilizations, control over which, as was believed over the centuries, allows you to rule the world. The region retains its exceptional geopolitical significance today.


National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakshtan

Reference10 articles.

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3. Bzhezinskiy Z. Strategic view: USA and global crisis. М. AST, 2013.

4. Gumerov R.А. Geopolitical interests of USA, China and in Central Asia. Аvtoreref. PhD. М. 2009.

5. Babayan D.К. Policy of China in Central Asia, Caucasus and Northern Caspian region at the end of XX-beginning of XXI century. Doctoral diss. in History. М. 2016.

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