1. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of perceived organizational punishment in the relationship between ethical values and cyberloafing. To this end, correlational survey model was used. In the study, data were collected from 784 teachers through random sampling. Data were collected through survey technique. The questionnaire form includes demographic information form, ethical values scale, cyberloafing scale, and perceived organizational punishment scale. The obtained data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modelling. The study found that ethical values have a significant, negative effect on cyberloafing and a significant, positive effect on perceived organizational punishment. Furthermore, perceived organizational punishment was determined to have no significant effect on cyberloafing and no mediation effect in the relationship between ethical values and cyberloafing.
Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researchers
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