The Relationship Between Family and Crime: A Qualitative Study on Young People on Probation







The family is the most basic institution in any society. The existence of a healthy society is related to the existence of a strong family institution. It is accepted that the problems experienced by the individual are affected by the family and socialization process. In recent studies, it is stated that some negative behaviours that are not accepted by the society are related to the family structure. The problems experienced by the individual in the family environment during childhood can negatively affect his/her behaviour and lead him/her to turn to crime.Crime and punishment are twins. From past to present, social punishment practices have been regulated according to the changing social structure. Traditional penal systems generally practice confinement by choosing to isolate offenders from society. However, incarceration did not succeed in re-committing the crime. This situation is better understood with the increase in the number of prisons and the overcrowding of the prison population. In recent years, some changes have been made in traditional penal systems. The probation system, as a part of these changes, aims to control the perpetrator within the society. Thus, it is tried to ensure that the perpetrator of the crime is approved by the society.The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the family on the delinquency of young people subject to probation within the scope of sociological crime theories, social learning and social control theories, and to evaluate the adequacy of probation, which has an effective importance and value in our country, although it is not very long. In the field research, in which the qualitative research method was applied, in-depth interviews were conducted with 60 people between the ages of 18-30 who were subject to inspection at the "Istanbul Anatolian Probation Directorate". According to the results obtained, it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between young people committing crimes and family structures. Again, in line with the data obtained from the young people who were subjected to inspection, it was revealed that the system needed to be developed.


Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researchers


General Medicine

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