1. Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi
Identity has set off to be shaped in line with the varying demands of masses in parallel with other processes affecting the context including the structural transformation in the economy. Accordingly, the relevant discourse has been introduced to distinct arguments for identity to be considered on the basis of differences, moving away from the universal and essentialist approach. The idea of approaching each identity in the context of the unique conditions surrounding it afforded better visibility to the ideas that had come to be considered as “the other”. Therefore, a more extensive approach has been adopted in discussions concerning identity, one that goes beyond the conventional perception and takes differences on board. The supranational nature of the social movements shaped around the environment, peace, and women, etc. have established a platform for collaborative dialogue shaped through the common discourses, languages, and demands of individuals from different geographical and ideological backgrounds. Therefore, new social movements have transformed identity into a political demand and placed it on the centre stage in public life.The present study firstly established a review of the literature on old and new social movements and a comparative analysis of the movements themselves. Then, the focus shifts to the transformation experienced in identity through these movements. New social movements have reshaped identity, which, in turn, highlighted the issue of otherness as a factor of differences and how a rethink is needed for identities to be addressed on the basis of the fragmentation and diversity of identities rather than a focus on their homogeneity. Such diversity and fragmentation in identities are regarded as a combined source of impetus for the politization of demands. Environmental action and the women’s movement have laid the ground for a distinct focus on identity demands.
Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researchers
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