SUZUKI Hirotaka,MISAKA Ikusei,TASHIRO Yoritaka
The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology
Reference9 articles.
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2. 2) 梅干野晃,茶谷正洋,八木幸二 (1985) ツタの西日遮へい効果に関する実験研究,本建築学会計画系論文報告集:11-17.
3. Practical Study on the Effect of the Plants on the Wall of a Building to Suppress the Increase of Wall Temperature
4. 4) 萩島理.谷本潤.高尾京子 (2005) 壁面緑化システムの熱収支構造に関する屋外観測,日本建築学会技術報告集22:253-258.
5. Review of the former researches on the convective heat transfer coefficient of urban surfaces