
Churakov Boris Petrovich1ORCID,Zyryanova Ul'yana Petrovna1ORCID,Zagidullin Robert Anvarovich1ORCID,Paramonova Tat'yana Anatol'evna1ORCID,Mitrofanova Natal'ya Aleksandrovna1ORCID,Mikheeva Anastasiya Vyacheslavovna1ORCID


1. Ulyanovsk State University


The aim of the study is to examine the accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in trophic levels (soil, wood, tree leaves and fungi of various evolutionary origin) of forest ecosystems. Materials and Methods. The authors examined soil, wood, leaves and fungi in forests with different anthropogenic load intensity. The collecting grounds were selected according to forest management materials. In total, 26 grounds were examined. Sampling of soil and fungi of various trophic levels was carried out on different substrates, in different forest conditions and under different levels of technogenic impact. Leaf and wood samples were taken from phytopathogen-affected and healthy trees. Chemical sample analysis was carried out using a Kvant atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results. The total heavy metal content in fungi is higher than in wood, but lower than in soil. The total heavy metal content in leaves of Norway maple affected by Rhytisma acerinum is higher compared to the leaves from heathy trees. Iron predominates among the heavy metals found in the fungi under consideration; cadmium content is minimal. Conclusion. The largest amount of accumulated heavy metals was found in the fruiting bodies of the facultative saprotroph, and the smallest amount was in the bodies of the facultative parasite. The forest type and growing conditions affect the heavy metal content in ecosystems.


Ulyanovsk State University

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